How to Flirt at Work: 24 Tips for Success

How to flirt with a coworker without getting fired or embarrassed.

Qasim Adam
Hello, Love


Photo by Jason Goodman on Unsplash

Promotion? New initiative for work? Camaraderie? Career experts say that it can be effective to flirt at work but you have to play your cards right. Flirting can make work more relaxing, especially if it’s not with your boss. But there are some boundaries that you should steer clear of and don’t want to overstep and potentially cause a conflict down the road. There’s a fine line between what is appropriate in the office and what would be considered inappropriate. Wait to make any advances until you’re sure that it’s safe.

Here’s a guide on how to use flirting for impact at work without crossing any lines. These tips will help you save lots of embarrassment and keep your professional reputation intact.

What is a Flirting?

Flirting is a form of courtship in which two people interact with each other to determine if they are romantically or sexually compatible. The word “flirt” comes from the Middle French word “flirer,” which means “to shine.” It has been used since the 16th century to refer to a person who is overly friendly and showy.

The person who is flirting is often considered to be a “catcher” and the person on the receiving end of the flirt is…



Qasim Adam
Hello, Love

Blogger, author, and freelancer. Top writer on Medium in Love, Life Lessons, Psychology, Parenting, and Relationships.