How to Flirt with a Woman

Here are some easy steps to get you started.

Tara Blair Ball
Hello, Love


If you’re a single and struggling gentleman, Professor Menelaos Apostolou, Associate Professor of Evolutionary Psychology at the University of Nicosia, thinks it might because your social skills haven’t evolved enough.

Think about it: for thousands of years, mating, and then marriage were, in many ways, arranged. As cavepeople, women mated with the strongest men that could be counted on to provide food and protect their families.

Then as societies industrialized but women’s access to jobs remained limited, they chose mates that could financially provide for them.

For centuries, inept, awkward, or just plain awful men had no problem finding mates because the bar for them was so low. Man can get meat. Man can make money. Man can get mate.

Well, times have changed. Women can take care of themselves, and they no longer need a “provider” as much as a “companion.” That’s a huge shift.

Professor Apostolou states, “men who have difficulty flirting…may remain single because their social skills have not evolved to meet today’s societal demands.”

When I was dating, I matched with a few men that were helpless in the conversation department. They said outrightly sexual things too quickly…



Tara Blair Ball
Hello, Love

Certified Relationship Coach, Author, and Podcast Co-host for Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse.