How To Get Over a Toxic Person You Can’t Cut Off (or Forget)

If a bad relationship is still haunting you, this is also for you. And if you’re stuck in a bad relationship and can’t cut ties, this is also for you.

Mosab Alkhteb
Hello, Love
Published in
5 min readJul 22, 2022


Photo by Eric Ward on Unsplash

A month ago, I wrote an article about when you need to let someone go.

At the beginning of the article, I stated that you sometimes can’t practically cut ties with someone.

You still can let them go, though.

I provided some quick suggestions. Here is what I said:

Don’t be confused that if you can’t cut ties, you can’t let someone go.

You still can let them go in different ways.

You can minimize contact, keep it casual, keep it professional, stop offering help, or just change the depth of the relationship you have with that person.

There are options.

The main idea is that you don’t allow the person’s toxicity to ruin your life. To prevent that, you let them go. And you can let them go in various ways as long as you prevent them from negatively affecting you.

That’s a good piece of advice though it’s not detailed.



Mosab Alkhteb
Hello, Love

I will help you deal with toxic people and become their worst nightmare. Download free 12 practical tips here: