How to Have Boundaries that Really Works in Relationships

How I’ve shifted from resentment to peace.

Mónica Valverde
Hello, Love


Photo by Author

In the past, I’ve felt resentful toward different people in different types of relationships.

I used to feel irritated with family members who often gave me unsolicited advice. And in love, I used to resent how I was the one fixing things while feeling unheard.

Past approach and why it never worked

Whenever unsolicited comments came my way, I used to feel the need to either defend myself or simply accept them out of diplomacy.

My mind would get into a negative vortex, having imaginary arguments over and over again, for hours or even days.

In love, I had conflicts and resentment while feeling that I was the only one really caring to fix any issue that might arise.

And yet with time, I’ve realized how I was the one expecting them to cooperate and change, while still allowing what I didn’t like to continue happening to me.

Expecting others to cooperate might be reasonable in different situations, but people don’t usually change unless they can see why they have to. And yet when they feel our expectations…



Mónica Valverde
Hello, Love

A daydreamer navigating the experience of human life. In love with Spirituality, Inner Work and Relationships.