How to Identify an Emotionally Safe Person

5 signs you’ve found the safety you’ve been looking for.

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love


Photo by Maria Orlova in Pexels

Have you ever been in a relationship with someone with whom you felt you couldn’t be your authentic self?

Or maybe, even though you trusted your partner, you felt like you couldn’t share with them all of your thoughts and feelings?

If that’s the case, your relationship probably lacked emotional safety, or your partner exhibited emotionally unsafe behaviors.

What’s emotional safety, you ask?

Besides the fact that it’s a vital component of any healthy, successful, and long-lasting relationship, I’m gonna explain right away:

  • what it means
  • how you can spot an emotionally safe person
  • how you can evaluate whether you are in an emotionally safe and healthy relationship

Let’s dive right in.

What Does It Mean to Feel Emotionally Safe?

Feeling emotionally safe with a person means being able to let our guard down and be our 100% authentic self when in their company.

When there is emotional safety in a relationship, both people can be open, vulnerable and wholeheartedly trust each…



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: Newsletter + more: