How to Keep Your Love Strong While Being 8, 000 Miles Apart

10 things you need (other than love) for your relationship to really work.

Ester Deluna
Hello, Love


Photo by Jonathan Borba from Pexels

I'm sure you already know that falling in love is just the tip of the iceberg.

That you need more than just love to actually get your Happily Ever After and be together in the end. We have been together for almost four years now since the day I sent that first message (and yes, I made the first move).

True, there are a lot of couples who have been together longer than us, but here’s the catch…

We’re a long-distance couple who have had to deal with being 8,000 miles apart from each other daily. People often ask us how we deal with this much distance while only having met twice in person. It takes a lot of work and commitment to thrive in a long-distance relationship.

But you do need some essential things so your relationship survives miles and miles of being apart.

Mutual trust

You pour your heart and soul out for someone who lives a thousand miles away from you. That needs courage and trust. Yes, trust is something that both of you should earn in the long run, but without it, no two adults could ever go long-distance and live to tell the tale.



Ester Deluna
Hello, Love

A writer's thINKmarks on #PassionProjects & #DreamDestinations while learning how to ThinkWriteLove. Like my PAGE for more updates.