How to Know a Power Woman from a Mediocre Woman

What type of woman are you, the one who takes orders or the one who gives orders?

Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love


What Does It Mean to Be a Strong Woman
Photo by JJ Jordan from Pexels

Let me ask you this: Can you think of a time in history when women have more power than now? Why do so many women feel oppressed in a time when they have the most power? And what does power mean to you?

Some women might be quick to respond that they feel oppressed because most men still don’t see the value of women.

But is that why Elizabeth Tailor, Marlene Dietrich, Alice Walker, Maya Angelou, Oprah Winfrey, Hillary Clinton, Sheryl Sandberg, and a host of other women became powerful forces in the society?

Mediocre is having to blame someone else for your inefficiency. It means you are not good enough to pursue your dreams and aspirations.

Being mediocre prevents you from taking risks and challenging yourself. You make excuses for your failure rather than take responsibility for them and grow from the actions you take to correct your mistakes.

There is a place for mediocre men in this world but not for mediocre women.

If a woman wants to make it big in her life, she can’t afford to be a mediocre. Being extraordinary is the stage where a woman’s journey begins.



Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: