The Easiest Way to Make Real Life Friends as an Adult Man

And why it’s so important if you want to date women.

Michael Chief
Hello, Love
Published in
5 min readJun 25, 2024


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Photo by Ball Park Brand on Unsplash

I’m a men’s dating coach. I help men find women partners for whatever kind of relationship they’re looking for. Regardless of whether they want a girlfriend or a bunch of one night stands, I help them build the habits and lifestyle that will lead to those results on autopilot.

I often find that they need more friends overall, so I guide a lot of them in that area first.

These clients almost always ask me why I tell them to socialize and make more friends.

I don’t want more friends. I want a girlfriend,” they would protest.

One of the very best ways to attract a woman is to show her that you have a healthy social life, and that other women like and trust you.

It’s often a prerequisite.

As I’ve written in Chapter 19, How to Become Popular, in my book, Never Lonely: The Uncensored Guide on How to Attract and Be Loved by Women, if you want to become…



Michael Chief
Hello, Love

Dating Coach and author of Never Lonely: The Uncensored Guide on How to Attract and Be Loved by Women