How to Make Your Dismissive Avoidant Partner Fall in Love with You

Understand the mindset then execute the plan.

Tunde Awosika
Hello, Love


Photo by Oziel Gómez on Unsplash

I’ll share something that dismissive avoidants don’t want you to know.

It is not manipulative or a tricky tactic to gain leverage in your relationship.

It is a knowledge set that will give an understanding of how your partner’s mind works.

We all have beliefs, morals, behaviors, and characteristics that mix and represent us as individuals.

We also have a set of predetermined beliefs, morals, behaviors, and characteristics that come from our attachment style.

The dismissive-avoidant operates differently than the other attachment styles because they struggle internally and don’t show feelings through outbursts.

When people are in a relationship with a dismissive avoidant, you often hear, “they are hard to get a read on,” or “there is so much I don’t think I know about them.”

If you are in the honeymoon or power struggle phase of a relationship with a dismissive avoidant, I’ll show you how to set yourself up for the best future outcome and get your partner to fall in love with you.

Grab a shoehorn



Tunde Awosika
Hello, Love

Transforming your attachment style is the key to healthy relationships. Take the journey with me. Top-writer: Relationships, Love, Psychology, and Mental Health