How to Play It Cool When Dating

Be very interested, but not desperate.

Colin Zhang
Hello, Love


Photo by Lino Montes on Unsplash

She and I just arrived at this awkward stage between a regular friend and a lover. She feels comfortable enough to hold on to me tightly on a Jet Ski but hesitant to display clear signs of affection.

Playing it cool is different from playing hard to get, which is a technique that many employ to create a sense of scarcity. Playing it cool just means being indifferent to the response of the other person. You aren’t bound to their opinion of you.

Aggressive moves like buying flowers and confessing your feelings usually associate with a one-sided love affair because if the attraction is escalating fluently, there's no need to pull off anything sudden like that.

If they decline your invite, reply with grace

I treat it like fishing. I’ll throw bait into the ocean. If nothing bites, I’ll reel it back in. Then wait for another opportunity. I’ll send a quick text asking to hang out. Simple, clear, to the point. For whatever reason she declines, I’ll back off for another day. It shows you want them but don’t need them.

Care, but also not care

Of course, you’re interested in their background. You want to know what they’re thinking. When…

