How to Protect Your Heart When Dating a Married Man

The reality of dating a married man most people don’t get.

Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love


What I Learned from Dating a Married Man
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Having a crush on married men is quite common among women. Initially, the connection feels simple, but it eventually puts several lives at stake.

The story begins as a usual attraction where you see each other and are attracted to each other. Then you bond over dinner, lunch, or coffee and start a casual friendship that gradually turns into a relationship.

Finally, the two of you feel inseparable but not happy knowing that the relationship has no future since he’s married.

I think polygamy is a widespread ideology among women and their preference for men, which is why most women who get involved with married men see no guilt in their actions.

For instance, patriarchy indoctrinates women to accept men as philanders. So single women think, “oh! it’s okay to share your husbands too.” Because that’s what we’ve been taught, right?

From my experience and observations, the provision of basic needs is one of the major reasons why women tend to prefer married men to single men.

Married men are more secure sources of funding for women because they can provide for their needs.



Jessey Anthony
Hello, Love

Motivational speaker, fitness enthusiast, and self-improvement nerd. See how I stay fit and confident: