How to Restore Back Love (or Manifest Love) Into Your Life

Make love your intention and priority today.

La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Hello, Love


Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

We are all born with love.

You may have come from a dysfunctional family that didn’t teach you the best ways, and then you changed your views about love.

Your family’s influence may have harmed you or hurt your growth along your young life’s journey. Or they may have showed you unconditional love, where you may have learned you don’t need others to complete you.

If you have love scars or emotional baggage holding you back, you may still need to re-learn how to love yourself to become functional, healed or whole in the love department. Or you may have turned out better from your possibly crushing past situations (living what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger).

In any case, the good news is you’re still here and trying!

Above that, you have the chance for your best life now, and ahead of you with a love far greater than you can imagine.

It’s good to check in now (and from time to time) to see if any of those old wound feelings have resurfaced in a recent hurt, such as a recent rejection or a conversation with an estranged family member that reminded you of those hurts that may never have received a proper internal burial…



La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Hello, Love

My latest published articles are found at: -Love Over Ego For Extraordinary Life -Mind the Gap For Happiness -How to Be Humble…