How To Save Your Midlife Marriage: Disillusionment Is Not the Problem, but the Doorway To Real Lasting Love

Marriages can fall apart at any age, but they are particularly prone to fail at midlife, just when the couple could be enjoying their relationship the most.

The Good Men Project
Hello, Love


Photo credit: krakenimages on Unsplash

By Jed Diamond Ph.D

“I love you, but I’m not in love with you anymore.” I hear this over and over from couples who come to me for help because their relationship is about to go under. It is rare that they are both equally concerned. Usually, one person is desperately trying to hold on, while the other person has one foot out the door. Does this sound like you? It was me, with two marriages and divorces causing me deep shame, until I learned about the 5 Stages of Love.

I have been a marriage and family counselor for more than fifty years, and part of my shame over the two divorces was because I thought I should know better. I mean, if you’re a trained counselor helping others and writing books about men and their relationships, you should be able to be a good role model and have your own relationship life in order, right?

Well, the truth is when it comes to love and marriage, counselors can be as blind as the average person. Of…



The Good Men Project
Hello, Love

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