How to Say “I Love You” to the Opposite Gender

It’s simple as long as you wait for the right time to shoot your shot.

Adnan Aqeel
Hello, Love
3 min readFeb 19, 2023


Photo by Michael Fenton on Unsplash

Communication is key.

It can make or break your relationships.

It’s an art, in fact.

And you can become an artist of seamless communication.

When done it right, you cannot only get your point across effectively but also leave a positive impression on others.

You know it already. Some relationships can be saved only by good communication. Words have value, they have power, they make an impact, and they set the tone of your relationships with others.

One wrong move can instantly bring your reputation down to dust. Or worse — it ends your lovely relationship with your partner.

But fret not.

With a slight change in the selection of words, you can build a rapport with another person without offending them.

It feels scary sometimes to tell someone you love them, especially when communicating with the opposite gender. You wouldn’t want to say to her straight away that “I Love You.” Since it seems you are speaking at gunpoint that I Love You and you should reciprocate or I’ll pull the trigger.

Take it easy. Go with the flow. Start slowly until you’re confident that she will reply, “ I love you too baby.”

The point here is to take the first step rather than keep an eye on reaching the destination straight away. If you do it right, the rest will follow. Slow and steady wins the race, remember?

This is what you can try instead, initially…

  • I appreciate you.
  • I like your attitude.
  • I like how you pay attention to details.
  • I love spending time with you.
  • I genuinely respect your presence around me.
  • I love sharing ice cream with you.
  • Whenever I’m in deep trouble you always come to rescue me.
  • I love your smile.
  • You’re different.
  • Your support means a lot.
  • I love making breakfast for you.
  • I don’t want to lose you.
  • I love when you gently run your fingers on my back and say… everything is gonna be alright.

And once she responds positively to the above, it’s your obligation to shoot your shot and say… “I love you. I do, really.”


Little tweaks here and there can change the meaning of the entire message. You can pick the right tone and intensity to convey your message effectively. Since the selection of words matters. With the right words, you can come off sober, intelligent, and a thorough gentleman.

And if she still doesn’t reciprocate and respond with “I Love You Too,” then try spending more time with her. One “No” doesn’t mean rejection — always. It depends on your skills to turn that “No” into a resounding YES.

And if you still don’t get the desired result after multiple attempts, then it’s a helpful clue, she is not interested and has made up her mind to friend-zone you.

Thanks for your precious time!

Find me here on Linkedin.



Adnan Aqeel
Hello, Love

certified procrastinator | writer | humorist | engineer | poet | blogger | it's safe to say that im not a monster