How to Spot Fake People: 10 Signs of Toxicity and Deception

Shrenik Shah
Hello, Love
Published in
5 min readAug 19, 2023
How to Spot Fake People: 10 Signs of Toxicity and Deception
Photo by danilo.alvesd on Unsplash

We all encounter different kinds of people in our lives, but sometimes it can be hard to tell who is genuine and who is fake. Fake people are those who pretend to be something they are not, who lie, manipulate, and hurt others for their own benefit. They can drain our energy, lower our self-esteem, and cause us unnecessary stress and drama.

How can we avoid falling for their tricks and protect ourselves from their negativity? How can we spot fake people and distance ourselves from them?

In this article, I will share with you 10 signs of fake people that you should watch out for. These signs are based on my personal experience and research-based studies. By learning these signs, you will be able to identify fake people in your life and deal with them accordingly.

Sign #1: They bring negative energy.

Negative energy is contagious and harmful. It can make us feel depressed, anxious, angry, or hopeless. You probably know the feeling when someone brings negative energy or provokes it around you. You feel tense, uncomfortable, or irritated.

Fake people are often sources of negative energy. They complain, criticize, judge, blame, or gossip about others. They focus on the bad things in life and spread pessimism and negativity. They may also try to make you feel guilty, ashamed, or insecure about yourself or your choices.

Sign #2: They indulge in gossip.

Gossip is a form of verbal abuse that can damage relationships and reputations. It is also a sign of insecurity and low self-esteem. People who gossip often do so to make themselves feel superior or to gain attention or approval from others. They enjoy talking about other people’s flaws, mistakes, or secrets behind their backs.

Fake people love gossiping. They are nosy, curious, and intrusive about other people’s lives. They spread rumors, lies, or half-truths about others to create drama or conflict. They may also use gossip as a weapon to hurt or sabotage someone they don’t like or see as a threat.

Sign #3: They boast about their achievements.

Achievements are something to be proud of and celebrated. However, there is a difference between sharing your achievements with humility and gratitude and boasting about them with arrogance and vanity. The former shows confidence and self-respect; the latter shows insecurity and self-importance.

Fake people often boast about their achievements to impress others or to boost their ego. They exaggerate their accomplishments or take credit for things they didn’t do. They constantly talk about how great they are or how much they have done without acknowledging the contributions of others. They may also put down other people’s achievements or belittle their efforts.

Sign #4: They flaunt their wealth.

Wealth is not a measure of a person’s worth or character. It is simply a result of one’s work, luck, or inheritance. Wealth can be used for good or evil purposes depending on how one uses it. Some wealthy people are generous, humble, and responsible; others are greedy, selfish, and wasteful.

Fake people often flaunt their wealth to show off or to make others feel inferior. They display their expensive possessions, clothes, or lifestyles without regard for the feelings or needs of others. They may also lie about their wealth or pretend to be richer than they are to gain respect or admiration from others.

Sign #5: They discriminate.

Discrimination is a form of injustice and oppression that violates human rights and dignity. It is based on prejudice, stereotypes, or ignorance towards people who are different from oneself in terms of race, gender, religion, sexuality, age, disability, etc.

Fake people often discriminate against others who do not fit their standards or expectations. They judge people based on their appearance, background, beliefs, or preferences without trying to understand them or respect them as individuals. They may also treat people differently based on their status, power, or influence.

Sign #6: They shy away from responsibility.

Responsibility is a sign of maturity and integrity. It means being accountable for one’s actions and consequences. It also means being reliable and trustworthy in fulfilling one’s obligations and duties.

Fake people often shy away from responsibility when things go wrong or when they face challenges or difficulties. They avoid taking blame or admitting their mistakes. They may also make excuses, shift blame, deny reality, or play the victim role.

Sign #7: They break their promises.

Promises are a form of commitment and trust between two parties. They express one’s intention and willingness to do something for someone else. Breaking promises can hurt feelings and damage relationships.

Fake people often break their promises without remorse or apology. They make promises that they don’t intend to keep or that they can’t fulfill. They may also change their minds, forget, or cancel their promises at the last minute.

Sign #8: They have hidden agendas.

Hidden agendas are ulterior motives or hidden intentions behind one’s actions or words. They are often deceptive, manipulative, or selfish. They can also be harmful or dangerous to others.

Fake people often have hidden agendas when they interact with others. They may pretend to be friendly, helpful, or interested in someone for their own benefit or advantage. They may also use flattery, charm, or lies to get what they want from others.

Sign #9: They drain your energy.

Energy is the vital force that fuels our life and well-being. It can be positive or negative depending on how we use it and who we share it with. Positive energy can uplift, inspire, and empower us; negative energy can deplete, demoralize, and weaken us.

Fake people often drain your energy by being demanding, needy, clingy, or controlling. They may also drain your energy by being negative, toxic, or abusive. They take more than they give and leave you feeling exhausted, drained, or empty.

Sign #10: They put others down to lift themselves up.

Putting others down is a form of bullying and aggression that can hurt people’s feelings and self-esteem. It is also a sign of insecurity and low self-worth. People who put others down often do so to make themselves feel better or to hide their own insecurities or flaws.

Fake people often put others down to lift themselves up. They criticize, mock, insult, or humiliate others to make themselves look good or superior. They may also compare themselves to others or compete with others to prove their worth or superiority.


Fake people are everywhere, and they can be hard to spot at first glance. However, by paying attention to these 10 signs of fake people, you will be able to recognize them and avoid them in your life. Fake people are not worth your time, energy, or attention. You deserve to surround yourself with real people who are honest, respectful, supportive, and genuine. Real people will bring out the best in you and help you grow as a person.

Thank you for reading this article. I hope you enjoyed it. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below or contact me directly. I would love to hear from you.



Shrenik Shah
Hello, Love

MBA Graduate | Avid Traveler | Entrepreneur | I talk about Self Growth, Mental Health, Fitness, Habits, Travel & More ➡️