How to Tell if You’re Being Mosted, Stashed, or Benched

3 common dating trends much worse than ghosting.

Margaret Pan
Hello, Love


Photo by Maria Orlova in Pexels

Raise your hand if you’ve been ghosted by someone at one point in your life. Well, I’d be surprised if you weren’t. The real question is, have you ever been mosted, stashed, or benched?

Even if you haven’t heard these terms, you might be familiar with the experience. Some of them might sound funny, but the emotional turmoil they cause isn’t funny at all.

I used to believe that, when it comes to dating, being ghosted by someone I really liked was one of the worst things that could happen to me. That’s probably because I didn’t know what being mosted, stashed, and benched meant.

Nowadays, these dating “trends” are sadly a common phenomenon and can happen to pretty much anyone. Here’s what each one of them means and how you can tell if they’re happening to you.

1. Mosting

Mosting is like ghosting, but much, much worse. It’s a manipulative dating tactic when a person basically makes you feel like you’re “the one” and then suddenly disappears from your life.

And of course, you never get an explanation.

While ghosting usually happens after a hookup or a couple of dates, mosting happens at…



Margaret Pan
Hello, Love

I write about books, relationships, and personal development. Contact: Newsletter + more: