Wreckage on the Road to Reconciliation

How to Tell If You’re Just Being a Big Baby

Keith R Wilson
Hello, Love


(Image from PXhere)

At some point someone may have said, or maybe you just thought it: You’re just being a big baby. Let’s take a look and see if that’s really the case.

There goes that word just. Be suspicious whenever anyone uses the word just. But, even if we get rid of that word, we’re still left with the question. Are you being a big baby?

You’re a big baby when your birth certificate documents you’re an adult, but you’re not acting like one. Five-foot-six, but it’s like your legs can barely reach the floor. You vote, drive, smoke cigarettes, drink, cuss, and have a bank account, two-hundred-thousand in mortgage debt, a job, four kids, and a wife; your skin is starting to wrinkle and sag, but you might as well be wearing diapers and sucking on a pacifier. You’re a big baby when you should’ve learned something by now, but you haven’t.

There are five signs of true adulthood. Five indications you can stand on your own two feet and take care of yourself: responsibility, composure…

