How to Train Your Boyfriend

Tips from an expert trainer on how to get our best friends to behave.

May Pang
Hello, Love


Photo by Reead from Pexels

Bella couldn’t figure it out.

She was the CEO of a major corporation and people in her life simply did whatever she told them to do. Except one.

“I love James but I hate the way he stares and flirts with women every time we go out. He would never take it further but it just drives me nuts!” she said in frustration one day.

Jokingly I said, “What do you do with underperforming employees?”

“Well, we usually give them additional training,” Bella responded. Bella’s face immediately lit up and I could tell that a lightbulb had gone off in her head.

“I can give James training!” she exclaimed excitedly.

The look on my face was enough to make Bella immediately realize that the likelihood of James signing up for boyfriend training was exactly…zero. But Bella — being the problem solver that she is — quickly realized that instead of getting James to go to training, she just needed to secretly train him.

So, she scoured the internet until she found a behavioral training expert and immediately went about implementing his tips with gusto. Here were his five golden rules of boyfriend training and what happened when…



May Pang
Hello, Love

Combining Storytelling with Science. Communication & Connection Coach. Would love to hear from you!💗 💙 Based in Boulder, CO.