How to Trick Your Mind into Getting Over Someone You Thought Was the “One”

You can’t help but think life would be better if you were with them.

Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love


Photo by Victoria B on Pexels

Do you have that one person who you could date, but for some reason, it didn’t happen? Sometimes moving on from them is just as hard as having an abrupt breakup too.

I never thought it wasn’t an easy thing to do until I experienced it myself. We were “perfect” for each other, and we thought we’d be a great match. But then, with too many misunderstandings along the way, I called it off — even before it got exclusive. I know he wanted to, but something didn’t feel right.

We thought we’d have more time in the future to be together, and that honestly became something that held me from moving on faster. I clung to that idea that we’d make it at some point. That we would love each other when the time is right. But that time never came.

In one article with Bustle, Amy Summerville, Ph.D., an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychology at Miami University and Director of Miami’s Regret Lab, said that:

“There is some evidence that regrets of inaction occur more in the long term or last longer, in part because our minds treat our unmet goals as a sort of mental ‘to-do’ list and over time we’re more able to…



Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love

writing on trauma, dating and relationships - in the hope that you'll feel less alone on your journey | lives in vancouver 🇨🇦