How Unrequited Love Can Be a Powerful Form of Love

More than chasing people, it’s important to know one’s true self.

Hello, Love
4 min readFeb 14, 2024


Photo by Maria Oswalt on Unsplash

When I started reading about relationships, people were talking about how to build a relationship, love languages, modern dating, intimacy, and sex.

But I have seen very rarely people talk about one-sided love and how to handle the disappointment of rejected love.

Every committed relationship was once a one-sided love, but what to do and how to make use of the energy of a one-sided love if it remains a one-sided love is what I am going to share from what I have experienced when I was in a one-sided love.

Let’s dive in.

People in today’s world are desperate to enter into a relationship, but they never think about or focus on profoundly loving someone.

Nobody ever talks about this.

In today’s world, loving someone means making the person fall in love with you by chasing them, conveying the desperation of being with them in a relationship.

People never want to love or know their partner; all they want is to be together in the name of a relationship, enjoying each other's company, being intimate, and having fun.

But that is not what love is.

What do I mean by profoundly loving someone?

A relationship must always be two-sided; without the efforts of two, it won’t last.

A relationship is like the roof of a house, and the people in the relationship are like two pillars gazing at each other; if one collapses, the entire relationship breaks.

But I strongly believe that love must always be one-sided because it must be focused more on giving than on expecting.

Profoundly loving someone means praying for that person, which gives a higher vibration for the person you love, having faith in them, and wishing all the good things in this universe come to them.

But people are chasing their partner whom they love, which is nothing but ego, desperation, and obsession, which they never realize.

I was too in love two times in my life, and you know what the truth is?

I enjoyed the time when my proposal was kept on hold and when I was in unrequited love.

I cherished the affair with my unrequited love. I was in a state of exuberance, which helped me to know myself in depth and transformed me.

One-sided love is a powerful form of meditation—a meditation you do by loving someone profoundly that just changes one’s life.

I saw a drastic change in my behavior, especially the way I looked into myself, which was more positive than ever before.

The magic happened two times in my life. My life changed drastically when I loved the girl without chasing or being desperate for them. It helped me to know my true self and helped me to be a better person.

Love always pushes you to be a better person if you focus on loving rather than being desperate about being in a relationship.

When I confessed my love and was in the courtship period of loving my partner, I strongly realized that it’s not necessary that she feel the same about me as I feel about her.

Making the person fall in love is not one’s job; one’s job is to express their love. How the girl made him feel and what he feels about the girl in an articulate way is a very important task for him.

How the girl reciprocates is not in one’s control, and it’s better that the man doesn’t bother about it and instead makes her love you through one’s honest love and profoundness.

I would always credit the love I had for the girls who crossed my path.

The love I felt for them helped me find my true self. They helped me figure out who I am and what I am capable of.

I was never desperate to be in a relationship, but I always wanted to love the girl who made me feel good about myself when I was depressed and hopeless.

The unrequited love changed my life; it made me a better person, and I am happy and proud of who I am today because of the love I had for the girls without expecting anything in return.

Final thoughts

Love has the power to liberate humans, but people are acting out of desperation and obsession with the person they love.

Don’t love someone expecting love in return; it’s a divine thing. Don’t make it a market bargain.

People must understand the difference between love and relationships; love is a profound act one must consciously do without expecting the other person to reciprocate in the same way.

It’s ok that people reject your love; that doesn’t mean that you must stop loving the person. If you wish the person you love to stay healthy, love them consciously, even if they don’t accept your love.

And finally, don’t lose hope; maybe one day they will accept your love and go for her, if it’s not too late.



Hello, Love

Exploring the depths of self through the art of writing, I embark on a journey of self-discovery and expression, one word at a time.