I Can Spot a Narcissist on the First Date. Here’s How.

You can develop a sixth sense, too.

Anja Vojta, MSc
Hello, Love


Photo by Hudson Marques: https://www.pexels.com/photo/men-s-blue-denim-jacket-2868882/

After more than a decade of dating narcissists, I’ve finally cracked the formula on how to spot them on the first date. Knowing it has saved me years of pain and despair.

Whilst I certainly have developed a sixth sense over time, the presence of all the following 9 signs can help you identify narcissistic people immediately.

If you pay attention to them in dating, you can finally stop falling for narcissists.

1. They Sell Themselves like a Product

One way to debunk narcissists is the way they talk about themselves.

Consider this example:

Non-Narcissist: “In my first job, I was working as an intern at Company X.”

Narcissist: “I applied to Company X and they told me they don’t hire people who only speak one language. But I kept convincing them why I am the best candidate and why my other skills compensate for the language deficit. So I became the first person in history who only speaks one language to get this internship. Can you believe it?”

Deep inside, narcissists are so insecure they constantly try to get approval from others. They can’t face this pain so instead…



Anja Vojta, MSc
Hello, Love

Love coach & Break-Up Expert. I help you regain confidence & happiness in your life ❤