I don’t have a publicist

Fame isn’t all glitz and glam-an insiders full breakdown.

Lashon Byrd
Hello, Love


Page of me on Untold Stories Magazine derived from Roger Trank on Pexels

A breath of fresh air

I don’t have a publicist, at least in the traditional sense. I manage all my PR affairs by networking, building relationships and playing the game smart. Though I work with freelance publicists sometimes, and publicists on a project-by project basis; I’m a private person that tries to keep most of his personal life personal, including financial information though that is already out there. I like to separate my public persona, and my private life, what I do behind the scenes that is my life, shouldn’t be a public discussion. I’m a strong proponent of this. No matter how famous I become, I will more than likely never walk around with security and an entourage.

I’m just as human as you, I still wipe my ass (I use water but you get the point). I still need groceries from the local save a lot or aldi’s. Fame is the concept of a large number of other humans being aware of your existence, and the fact this gives some public figures the green-light to become egotistical, stuck-up, arrogant, or in layman’s terms “letting it get to their head,” is utterly ridiculous. I find pleasure in the fact that I simply did good work, recognition is nothing but a bonus and shouldn’t ever be the main course you derive fulfillment from.

