I Never Saw Him Romantically — Until He Did This

One moment in a parking lot changed everything.

Hello, Love


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I felt zero attraction for him

He was my dance partner. A guy who I had great chemistry with on the dance floor — but nothing beyond that.

First, he wasn’t my type. I wasn’t attracted to him one bit. Never once had a romantic thought about him. And I assumed he felt the same about me; as he kept everything between us super platonic and ultra polite.

But we danced well together and consequently, would dance together all night. It didn’t take long for us to become good friends.

And then one night, one small gesture left me utterly unsettled… relentlessly obsessing over what it would be like to kiss him.

How he changed how I saw him

We had just finished an afternoon dancing together at a beach bar one summer day. I remember walking out to the parking lot together and realizing it was already sunset. We were fatigued from dancing but I was suddenly energized by the last rays of a streaky golden-orange sky.

We stood by my car making small talk about when we would dance next. Just as we were about to part ways, he did something very unexpected.



Hello, Love

modern feminine | let's elevate & celebrate others