I Never Thought I’d Say This About Married Sex

You need more than 5.4 minutes of intimacy.

Stu Gray
Hello, Love


Photo by Romi Yusardi on Unsplash

When it comes to sex with my wife, I’m like Tim McGraw

I like it, I love it, I want some more of it.


The physical ACT doesn’t make me feel as connected to my wife

As I’ve gotten older, I’ve begun to enjoy the intimacy that leads up to “THE Intimacy”.

I wasn’t always like that — I just wanted to have great sex with my wife.

But I’ve changed.

I’m a physical touch guy

So, I never thought I’d be talking about sex being more than what happens in the bedroom.

I love the flirtatiousness, the tease, a little leg here, a little shoulder there…(Sexuality to me, does include my eyeballs!)

But most of those physical touches and flirts don’t have to be — and most times are notin the bedroom.

Even more, I’ve grown to love the hugs, the cuddles, spending time together, the touches, the kisses, checking in during the day, hand-holding, good conversation, back rubs, doing life together…that aren’t “THE SEX”.



Stu Gray
Hello, Love

I encourage challenge and inspire married couples to have STUPENDOUS marriages! https://stupendousmarriage.com/signup