I Was in so Much Emotional Pain and Didn’t Understand Why

Toxic relationships can have a severe impact on us.

Tara Blair Ball
Hello, Love
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2023


Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

Entering into a relationship SHOULD be an exciting experience. But in my case, the majority of my relationships ended with me in pieces wondering what happened. Because of that, I often entered into new relationships full of tension and anxiety, waiting for the inevitable curtain to drop and reveal that I’d made a poor choice yet again. This was because I’d often found myself trapped in toxic, unhealthy, abusive, or narcissistic relationships.

Each of these relationships left me with emotional and psychological wounds that were difficult to heal. And heal I had to if I wanted to get out of them for good.

If you can relate to what I wrote above, here are some of what you may be experiencing in these types of relationships and how to break free from their destructive grip.

Manipulation and Control

One of the most damaging aspects of toxic relationships is the presence of manipulation and control.

Manipulative partners use various tactics to exert power over their significant others, such as gaslighting, guilt-tripping, or isolating them from friends and family. These can start very subtly, which can also make them even more difficult to…



Tara Blair Ball
Hello, Love

Certified Relationship Coach, Author, and Podcast Co-host for Breaking Free from Narcissistic Abuse. https://beacons.page/tara.relationshipcoach