If He’s the Right Guy, You’ll Never Have to Ask Him this Question

The one question women ask far too often.

Ariana E.
Hello, Love


Photo by Jopwell on Pexels

What’s one of the most attractive qualities in a man?


It doesn’t matter if it's in the context of dating, career goals, fitness/health, or other areas of his personal life — a man who does things with intention is a winner.

As women, we are naturally inclined to seek clarity and commitment in our relationships. When a man provides this, it’s a breath of fresh air.

I cannot advise women enough how important it is to find a man who pursues you with clarity.

Far too often, women settle for ambiguous pseudo-relationships.

These are the relationships where you’re kind of dating, but he hasn’t asked you to be his girlfriend. Maybe he says he likes you but isn’t “ready” for any type of commitment. Or maybe he’s even kissed you and taken you on dates but insists that you’re nothing more than friends.

Confusing, confusing.

These situations only happen because neither person cares enough (or is brave enough) to establish clarity around their relationship status.



Ariana E.
Hello, Love

I said what I said. Counter-cultural opinions on sex, love, and dating.