‘If so Many People Are on Dating Apps, Why Haven’t I Found the One Yet?’

You might not want to hear this hard truth

Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love


Photo by Katerina Holmes

“I know there are some people out there who are single and looking for someone and I’m too, but why I can’t seem to find one that’s right for me? it’s been years!” — my single friend said.

I could hear her frustration clearly. Which got me thinking, what’s the real problem here? Is it truly the dating App?

It’s unfair to conclude that everyone in there just sucks and is not worth pursuing because clearly, there are still singles who genuinely want a relationship.

And I still see people finding success from it.

Maybe it’s time to redefine the meaning of the “one”

Before complaining about how sucks it is and feeling even down, let’s first see if your expectations are too high.

Many people think they deserve the best thing in the world, while I don’t doubt that, sometimes in life it just doesn’t work that way.

I’ve known people who bring that entitlement attitude into the dating pool and think no one is ever good enough for them. Some of their standards don’t even make sense.

They might find one person who…



Anggun Bawi
Hello, Love

writing on trauma, dating and relationships - in the hope that you'll feel less alone on your journey | lives in vancouver 🇨🇦