If You Have To Force It, It’s Not For You

Save your energy for what matters.

Luba Sigaud
Hello, Love


Photo by Joanna Nix on Unsplash

When I was a teenager, I started dating a guy who had it all: He was smart and kind and very attractive.

At least, that’s what I thought when we first got together.

But several months in, I started noticing a change in him. He stopped being the caring, considerate boyfriend I fell so hard for.

He stopped having the positive outlook I had seen and loved in him.

Suddenly, he became distant. Irritable. Angry, even.

I didn’t understand what was wrong with our relationship. I assumed his behavior was my fault, so I re-doubled my efforts to make it work.

When he stopped coming to see me because he was too “busy” with work, I would cancel other plans and travel 7 hours roundtrip to spend time with him on weekends.

When he stopped making any attempt to interest himself in my life, I still supported him and attended all his events. I would stand in the sidelines and put on a brave face, hoping it would all work out somehow.

When he starting hiding messages from a woman he assured me he no longer cared about, I just held my head up and tried not to cry.



Luba Sigaud
Hello, Love

French twenty-something. Unbroken optimist. I love to learn, laugh, and write. Reach me here: Lubasigaud@protonmail.com