If You Think He’s Cheating, He Probably Is

If you’re staying because you don’t have proof, here are some things you should know.

Ariana A.
Hello, Love


Image by Tumisu on Pixabay

I don’t often talk about the first two years of my current relationship. In my mind, I separate the first two years from the rest and subconsciously convince myself that it was a different relationship with a different person.

My (now) husband pursued me. I was fresh out of a bad relationship and he had only been single for a few months.

I told him upfront that I wasn’t ready for anything, and he told me he was content with being friends — That was the first lie. A cute one though, right? I thought so, too. But it turns out it was more of a foreshadowing.

After a few months of texting back and forth, and flirting like crazy, I finally agreed to a date. Well, I agreed to hang out as friends and catch a movie, but we both knew it was a date.

The first three months were a whirlwind of intensity. I fell hard and fast, despite my intention to keep it light.

I thought he was falling at the same speed, everything he said and did led me to believe as much. But I believed a lot of stupid things back then. Like the time he told me I was the first girl he’d slept with since his last girlfriend — who ripped his heart…



Ariana A.
Hello, Love

Diary of what I thought was a lost libido, turns out I’m Ace. A mix of nonfiction and fiction, because how else do we live the fantasy?