Infidelity In Your Relationship? You Need To Ask Your Partner Three Uncomfortable Questions

The majority of couples stay together after their partner cheats on them.

Carrie Wynn
Hello, Love


The thought of cheating was completely baffling to me when I was younger.

Stories would reach my ears of men and women that would stay with their unfaithful partners and I secretly considered them weak and pathetic. The very idea of staying with someone who cheated seemed so absolutely insane to me that I swore up and down that I would never end up in that situation.

Many years later I was in a serious relationship, about to get engaged when my boyfriend abruptly cheated on me. My perceptions of infidelity were shattered as I realized that leaving wasn’t as easy an option as it once seemed. I loved my boyfriend deeply and didn’t want to throw away our life together.

If I could go back in time with more knowledge of relationships, these are the specific questions I would have asked him to find out if we had a chance of saving our relationship.

Are you willing to work on this relationship?

James and Diane were an older couple that I was friends with right out of college. They had been married for over a decade and…



Carrie Wynn
Hello, Love

❦ Writer/coach specializing in relationships. Blog: Instagram: carrie_wynnmusings Support by: