Instagram Girlfriend. She Preferred Response Rate Dopamine Over True Intimacy

She’s on your case about picking up the phone. How dare you go ghost! How long has it been? Less than 24 hours since a call and about 4 hours since a text.

Chris Lopez
Hello, Love


Source: Self Created Image with Canva.


How long is the average attention span of an American? Men and women are guilty. This isn’t one sided. Unfortunately, equality applies. Sorry ladies. Turns out it is shorter than a goldfish. Americans clock an average of 8 seconds compared to the Goldfish 9. Makes sense. I had an Instagram Girlfriend who reinforced short attention spans.

The night of our breakup was memorable. A Girlfriend who professed to love me instantly had Instagram memories to make. Turns out mourning our relationship lasted less than 24 hours.

IG Stories knock shots back like a 12-gauge shot gun.

IG posting backs up a lack of self-awareness on optics.

She was too busy following her heart because women follow their hearts.

A great bible verse on the heart is as follows, “The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9)



Chris Lopez
Hello, Love

Professional Hustler turned International Best Selling Author of “I Made it Then I Didn’t”. I write Truths today to combat yesterday’s falsehoods.