Is Constantly Looking for the “Spark” Making Us Numb?

Why dating isn’t a numbers game, according to science.

Phoebe Kirke
Hello, Love


Photo by Spencer Backman on Unsplash

If I were to ask you how your last date went, what would you say?

The truth is that online dating is a minefield. It doesn’t matter whether you’re seeking a long-term relationship or something casual. When it comes to online dating, nothing is certain, and navigating the pool of dating apps almost requires a degree. With the many options, desires, and wishes, online dating is obviously more complex than simply swiping right (or left) on Tinder.

And yet, we’re all on these platforms to meet someone. We are looking for someone to whom we feel connected. And this is also the crux. We’ve come at a time in history when, in principle, finding someone special has never been easier. However, just because we now have many potential candidates on our cell phone screens waiting for us to swipe doesn’t mean we have it all figured out. Aren’t we tired of the unsatisfying state of uncertainty, affairs, and dreaded non-relationships? Maybe, thanks to technology, we’ve lost sight of feeling butterflies, a sense of excitement, and possibility. Or maybe, we’re simply being realistic, not wanting to get hurt, and therefore, gloss over the constant disappointment that is online dating.

Romantic love, the…



Phoebe Kirke
Hello, Love

Feminist, activist, sister, but above all, hurt. Writing is my path to living life to the fullest.