What To Do When You Feel Lost During the Pandemic and Do Not Have the Answers

Find your way through my experiences.

The 6-year-old in me
Hello, Love
3 min readJul 5, 2020


Photo by Free-Photos on Pixabay

Disclaimer: I can’t guarantee you that reading this will solve your problem but it will definitely be helpful to know whatever you’re going through, you’re not alone and maybe it will influence to get somewhere you were always meant to be.

I’m a 22-year-old student, currently in my final year of engineering in India. Our country went into lockdown on 24th March and although the lockdown has been lifted up, life hasn’t really changed for most of the people in the age group of 13–23 who are still trying to figure out themselves as an individual.

Socializing was the most crucial element of our day to day life, whether be it connecting with our peers in college/school, or to hangout with our best buddies and exploring random places, laughing at silly jokes while sipping on an iced drink. I’m literally consumed by this overwhelming feeling of nostalgia while thinking about all the days we didn’t consider to be this important if taken away from us, like now. And since now we have a lot of time for ourselves, we constantly are struck by the thoughts as to what future holds and how are we going to make the best out of what we have? As few of us have been directed to the right path; for many who haven’t, find it very difficult to get this thought out of our head and deal with the current situation but let me enlighten you with a really obvious phrase, to my knowledge is common but does help you move forward, “it’s okay”.

Photo by Pixource on Pixabay

“It’s okay to feel lost and it’s okay to not know what is coming for you.”

Today is 108th day since I’ve stepped out of my house except for buying essentials which is like a 3 minutes walk from my apartment door to the shop, though I thank God I’m blessed with everything I need to be able to go through this rough time. So without any further ado I’m going to mention how I spent these 108 days but in a way that I’ll be comparing my failures with my success whether be it big or small. The very first thing I can think of is how I planned on planting strawberry plants at home and how I terribly failed at it. On the other hand when I had no idea as to how to paint walls, I actually ended up successfully painting the walls of my room with utmost perfection and it looks amazing. It’s funny how you cannot be good at one small thing and then do better at something much more complex with zero experience, all you got to do is try no matter how frustrating it is and trust me not being able to plant strawberries was damn frustrating. Then I took over cooking, at which I’m going to say I’m pretty good but to this date I make really pathetic tea when compared to that of my mother’s who can’t cook. And then there are some more examples of me failing at some very basic things but excelling at some complex ones. Like if I’m ever given a choice whether to deliver a 4 word announcement on stage or to sing, I’ll go with singing.

All along I have learnt that so far the best thing one can do when one doesn’t know where to go or what to do is just trust in the process and find small, random, daily life challenges and try on perfecting them. You never know how life might provide answer to your questions, not all of them but definitely the one that bothers you the most. Find your niche by taking one step at a time. I wish you all the blessings of this beautiful life and don’t forget to put a smile on that gorgeous face.



The 6-year-old in me
Hello, Love

Sharing experiences as I live them. As much as lost as the person reading it right now; as much as desperate to feed the right answers to my inner child.