Is Jealousy A Sign Of Love?

Or is it a sign of insecurity and unhealed wounds?

Patrícia Williams
Hello, Love


Photo by Etienne Boulanger on Unsplash

Jealousy. We’ve all felt it and we’ve all been with someone who got jealous at some point.

Our society tends to glamorize jealousy. We think it’s cute when our partner gets possessive. We see it as a sign of love and affection. But is it really?

I believe there are two types of jealousy.

Healthy jealousy comes from the need to guard those we love. It’s that concern that comes when we see a potential threat, but we can usually dismiss it on our own and tell ourselves the fear we’re feeling is not rational. This type of jealousy is perfectly normal — we’re human after all.

There are, however, unhealthy jealous behaviors. Those behaviors are essentially rooted in fear. If we believe and identify with that fear, it leads us to act impulsively from a place of suspicion and insecurity. It blinds us. Suddenly, we’re in survival mode.

When this is the case, it’s a sign that we need to heal our emotional wounds first. This type of jealousy shouldn’t be normalized. Jealousy can rapidly grow into paranoia and destroy the very relationship you’re afraid to lose.

So, what’s really behind jealousy, and how should we cope with it?

The Psychology…

