Is Your Apology Language Ruining Your Relationship? Try This

The 5 apology languages, signs to look out for, and communication tips that can turn your relationship around

Ashley Broadwater
Hello, Love


A man and woman in a white car are driving down the road.
Photo by Rachel Claire on Pexels

We’ve all been there: You get an apology from your partner after they’ve hurt you, but you just don’t feel…satisfied. Maybe you aren’t sure they’re being totally genuine. Maybe you question whether they’ll actually change their ways next time.

This partially has to do with your apology language — and whether it matches your partner’s. (Side note: You can take this quiz if you don’t know what yours is.)

Similar to the love languages, there are five apology languages, aka the way we want to be apologized to. And when yours and your partner’s don’t match, and you don’t know that, you may feel frustrated and misunderstood after fights.

So let’s talk about it. Here’s what those languages are, signs you’re disconnected from your partner, and what helps.

What Are the 5 Apology Languages?

To be clear, just because your apology language is one of these doesn’t mean others aren’t also important to you. This info just tells you which one you tend to favor most and find most meaningful.



Ashley Broadwater
Hello, Love

Freelance writer on multiple platforms. On Medium: writing tips + relationships. UNC-CH Journalism + Media. Newsletter + more: