It Took Me 6 Years to Come Out of a Toxic Relationship

The lessons I learned the hard way.

Shashwat Agarwal
Hello, Love


Photo by Majestic Lukas on Unsplash

My girlfriend slapped me hard twice in the middle of a busy road.

I was stunned. It was the first time any one of us raised a hand at the other one. And it should have been the last as well. If I dared to walk away from a toxic relationship.

The relationship started when we were both 18 years old. It started on a great note. Just as most relationships do. And it seemed to be great for the first few months.

But it was short-lived.

The abject lack of emotional maturity in both of us started to rear its ugly head. The fights became frequent. Even on trivial matters. Especially on trivial matters.

By the end of the first year, I was all but sure that ours is a toxic relationship that will never pass the test of time. And it did not. No matter how much we tried.

The emotional maturity gulf was way too deep to cross. That is where our relationship fell into and died.

And yet, it took me another 6 years to finally call it quits. Here are the lessons I learned the hard way.

Love yourself first.



Shashwat Agarwal
Hello, Love

Software Developer Turned Writer | Explorer | I share my experiences to make the world a little less lonely.