I’ve Had 6 Months of Ridiculous Fun

Who knew divorce could be this exciting.

Colleen Sheehy Orme
Hello, Love


Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich: On Pexels

I decided to start embracing the post-divorce world six months ago. I was feeling like I could catch my breath. I was feeling like myself again. It was time.

At first, my boys were humorously alarmed.

“Mom,” said my oldest son. “Remember when you visited me freshman year in college? You told me that you were worried because I was losing a lot of weight, and going out a lot.”

“I remember,” I said.

“Mom,” he said. “I’m worried. You’re losing a lot of weight, and you’re going out a lot.”

We burst out laughing.

He wasn’t wrong.

The past six months have felt like college with the stories to match.

It was long overdue.

This overly social party girl had retreated for years. It felt good to be that girl again. Albeit, a few too many days. But I always new the dust would settle. It was my divorce coming out party.

It was my re-emergence.

I could embrace life again without a man haunting me.

It’s been six months of meeting new people, and new adventures. Our divorce group has expanded during that time. There are a lot more…



Colleen Sheehy Orme
Hello, Love

National Relationship Columnist, Journalist & Former Business Columnist. I cover love, life, & relationships— #WomanResurrected colleen.sheehy.orme@gmail.com