“Just Being Honest” Is A Clever Disguise For Being a Bully

I see you, bully.

Mary Liga
Hello, Love


Photo by Thao Le Hoang on Unsplash

Public Service Announcement: Honesty isn’t the best policy.

Especially if you’re a bully.

There are way too many factors to consider before you spew out what you claim is just the truth and then sheepishly apologize with “I’m sorry, but you want me to be honest, don’t you?”

Sly move, bully.

If you are a bully, and you know who you are, sit back and relax.

There are some things you may want to know on behalf of the victims of your “truthful” parlance that may help you identify when being honest doesn’t feel like the soothing salve you think it is.

A sly insult

Have you ever heard, or God forbid been the recipient of, a shrouded compliment?

They look something like this:

I love how you will just wear anything!

Good for you for not worrying about style trends!

I wish I could be like you and not worry so much about making it to the gym.

We see what you’re doing, bully. You’re giving yourself a nice pat on the back while underhandedly pointing out what you see as a flaw or weakness in us.



Mary Liga
Hello, Love

Margarita-loving copywriter, life coach, home design junkie, and host of The Badass Midlife Podcast. maryjoliga@gmail.com