*Kindness Is The Secret To Lasting Love

Science suggests lasting relationships come down to kindness.

Amber Pitt
Hello, Love


Photo by Drew Coffman on Unsplash

In the most popular wedding month of the year, June, about thirteen thousand couples in the United States commit to a lifelong relationship full of joy, love, happiness, and friendship, when saying the words “I do”.

Of course, however, it doesn’t work out this way for most couples. Most marriages fail, either by the relationship developing into being dysfunctional and bitter or by ending in separation and divorce. Of all couples who get married, only three out of ten of those remain in happy, healthy marriages.

Social scientists first began studying marriages, observing them in action, back in the 1970s. The studies were in response to a crisis of married couples divorcing at unprecedented rates. One of those researchers was psychologist John Gottman. He has studied thousands of couples in an attempt to figure out what makes relationships last and has dedicated the past four decades to this research. John Gottman and his wife run Gottman Institute, an institute devoted to assisting couples in building and maintaining healthy, happy, loving relationships based on scientific studies.

In 1986, Gottman, along with his colleague Robert Levenson, set up the “Love Lab” at the University of Washington…



Amber Pitt
Hello, Love

Writer & Entrepreneur. Just living my best life and hopefully providing content you all enjoy!