Long Distance: How We Fell More and More in Love While Being 4800 Miles Apart

This is a story about love, sacrifice and patience. A lot of patience.

Mehek Kapoor
Hello, Love
Published in
6 min readSep 5, 2020


a person looking at flight-status inside an Airport
Image from Unsplash

Have you ever wondered how time flies when you are with someone you love, and suddenly it all comes to a screeching halt when they leave? A major part of my life was put on hold for 8 years, because that was the time I spent waiting to be with the guy I loved the most.

I dated my boyfriend for 8 years, before getting married to him, and for all those 8 years, we were in a long distance relationship — miles apart. I would be lying if I say it was easy. None of it was. Not one day, not one moment.

Every relationship has challenges and the moments that make you weak, force you to surrender and give-up to the situations. But you should always remember one thing — that situations won’t remain the same. You might lose the person now, just because the situations are hard, but it’s not going to be like this forever. And when the situations get better, there will be no way to go back.

This is what I kept reminding myself every single day for those 8 years that we were in a long distance relationship (from 2011 to 2019). I kept chanting this as a prayer, every night before I went to bed, because sometimes when I missed him so much…

