Love vs. Lust: 6 Key Signs It’s Genuine Love, Not Just Physical Desire

Hello, Love
Published in
5 min readJul 2, 2023

6 Signs It’s Love, Not Lust

Are you experiencing strong feelings for someone but find yourself questioning if it’s love or mere lust? The line between these two emotions can sometimes be blurry, leaving you uncertain about your true feelings. In this article, we will explore six signs that can help you determine whether what you’re experiencing is love or lust. Understanding these signs can provide clarity and insight into your emotions, guiding you toward a deeper understanding of your relationship.

Photo by Mayur Gala on Unsplash

1. Engaging Conversations That Last

One of the first signs that your feelings might be evolving beyond lust is the ability to engage in deep conversations that seemingly fly by. When you’re with your crush or partner, do you find yourself effortlessly talking for hours? This genuine connection and the ease with which you can be yourself around them suggest that there might be more to your relationship. Meaningful communication is a vital aspect of healthy relationships, allowing you to share your thoughts, dreams, and fears openly. If you find yourself engaging in heartfelt conversations and feeling comfortable being your authentic self, it could be a strong indicator of love.

2. Emotional Connection Trumps Physical Attraction

While physical attraction can initially spark interest, it is the emotional connection that distinguishes love from lust. Evaluate the depth of your emotional connection with your partner. Do you find yourself appreciating their personality, spirit, and mind? Love is more than skin-deep; it’s about embracing your partner’s inner qualities and being drawn to their unique essence. If you genuinely cherish your partner’s emotional attributes, it’s a clear sign that your feelings are rooted in love, transcending the superficiality of mere lust.

3. Enjoying Each Other’s Company Beyond Physical Intimacy

When you’re excited about spending time with your crush or partner, even without the anticipation of physical intimacy, it suggests a deeper emotional bond. While physical attraction is natural, being in love means cherishing the person beyond their physical appearance. If you find yourself eager to hear from them, excited about sharing experiences, and genuinely interested in their day-to-day life, it signifies an emotional connection that goes beyond the allure of physical attraction. Remember, while physical intimacy may be powerful, emotional intimacy is equally important in a loving relationship.

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4. Absence of Judgment

Do you feel a sense of liberation and acceptance when you’re with your partner? Love often creates a safe space where judgment dissipates. If you’ve experienced difficulties feeling judged by others in the past but find that those concerns vanish when you’re around your partner, it’s a significant sign that you’re falling in love. Feeling accepted and at ease with your partner allows for vulnerability and genuine emotional connection to flourish. The absence of judgment is a powerful indicator that your relationship is built on love and mutual understanding.

5. Willingness to Share Your Past

Sharing one’s past can be challenging, particularly when it involves deep emotions and vulnerabilities. However, if you feel comfortable opening up about your past experiences to your current partner in a way you couldn’t with previous romantic interests, it suggests a strong emotional bond. Love encompasses the desire to build a deep connection beyond physical intimacy. If you find yourself willingly sharing intimate secrets and personal stories from your past, it’s a compelling indication that your feelings are rooted in love.

6. Mutual Understanding and Support

In a loving relationship, understanding and support are foundational elements. Couples who truly love each other possess an innate ability to comprehend one another. Whenever confusion arises, they engage in honest conversations, actively listen, and make an effort to see each other’s perspectives. Whether it’s sharing exciting news or discussing a challenging day at work, being there for each other and fostering open communication is paramount. Love extends beyond mere emotions; it involves a profound connection and understanding of one another. When you effortlessly comprehend each other, it signifies a love that runs deep.

Photo by Amy Shamblen on Unsplash

Determining whether your feelings are driven by love or lust is a crucial step in understanding your relationship dynamics. By examining the six signs mentioned above, you can gain valuable insight into the nature of your emotions. Remember, love, is not just a fleeting feeling; it’s a profound connection that encompasses emotional intimacy, open communication, acceptance, and understanding. If you resonate with these signs, it’s likely that your emotions are rooted in love.

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Hello, Love

"Exploring love & relationships. Providing advice, insights, and inspiration to inspire you to find & maintain healthy and fulfilling connections."