Major Signs He’s Not Interested

Recognize the red flags early to save time and heartache.

Dani Moody
Hello, Love


Photo by Liza Summer

There are so many ideas on dating and relationships. This generation has matched real dating with hook-up culture and the pair is NOT compactable. Because of this, it has become hard to know where you may stand with someone romantically.

The most definite way to know where you stand with someone is to ask truly. However, I also understand that even asking what seems to be a simple question, may not lead to a simple answer.

Here are some strong signs that he doesn’t want a relationship with YOU:

1. Inconsistent Communication

If he frequently goes days without responding or communicating or if he initiates contact sporadically, he might not be invested in anything serious with you.

  • Signs to Look For: Delayed responses, short or vague replies, and seldom initiating conversations.

2. Avoids Personal Topics

A man interested in getting to know you will want to know more about you and would be open to sharing more about himself. If he keeps the conversations superficial, it’s a sign he’s not looking for depth.

  • Signs to Look For: Steering away from discussing his…



Dani Moody
Hello, Love

Blogger| Life Coach | Poet | Counselor in the making