Maybe You’re The Cause Of Your Stagnant Relationship

And what you can do about it.

Alex Bentley
Hello, Love


Here is the hard truth:

You may be the cause of your complacent relationship.

Yes, you’ve lost of the passion.

But did you ever consider you may be the reason you’ve grown bored with your partner?

Of course, we don’t really like to admit this since it’s so much easier blaming everything on our partner.

But in order to have a passionate relationship, you need to take ownership of your actions and decide what you want from the relationship.

But how do you restore a stagnant relationship when you’ve lost hope?

It’s quite simple, really. It’s time to love harder!

Go back to the early days, maybe when you first started dating, or for married couples, to the honeymoon phase.

Then look within yourself and analyze all the ways you’ve changed in the relationship.

Have you stopped doing things that your partner liked or appreciated?

For example, if you used to get extra dressed up or ready for date night, but now skirt the effort and half-ass your appearance, you may send a subtle signal that your interest is fading or don’t care enough…



Alex Bentley
Hello, Love

I write about crypto, personal finance, business & tech. Also, I publish a bit of humor to make you laugh.