Men Can’t Pick Up the Subtle Hints You’re Giving, Be Direct

Yvetlana Vasin
Hello, Love
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2023

Ladies, men are not mind readers.

I see them struggling to pick up on the subtle cues and hints that we often give. And it’s not because they don’t care or they’re not paying attention, it’s simply because they’re wired differently.

Some of the men I know tend to be more straightforward and direct, while their partners are more likely to drop hints and expect their men to pick up on them.

But here’s the thing: hints and subtle cues just don’t work. They’re often too vague, and your partner is likely to miss them entirely.

If you want to get your point across, you should be open and straightforward.

So, how can you be more direct in your romantic relationship? Here are a few tips:

Speak up.

It can be tempting to hold back and not speak your mind. Maybe you’re worried about hurting your partner’s feelings, or you don’t want to rock the boat.

But the truth is, holding back can actually do more harm than good. For one, it can cause miscommunication. So, don’t be afraid to say what’s on your mind. If you have an issue or a request, just come out and say it.

Be specific.

Instead of dropping vague hints, be specific about what you want or need. Instead of saying “I’m not happy,” say “I feel like we’re not spending enough time together, and I miss our date nights.”

This way, you can improve your communication and avoid misunderstandings.

Avoid blaming.

Blaming just ain’t it. It’s like throwing a bucket of ice water on a warm, cozy fire — it just douses the flames and leaves you with a damp, uncomfortable mess.

Instead of blaming, try to approach the conversation with empathy and understanding.

For instance, rather than saying “you always forget to take out the trash,” try saying “I feel frustrated when the trash isn’t taken out, and I would really appreciate it if we could work together to make sure it gets taken care of.”

This way, you’re expressing your feelings and needs without making your partner feel like they’re being accused or attacked.

It’s all about framing the conversation in a positive and solution-focused way. By avoiding blame, you’re creating a safe space for open and honest communication, which is key to a strong and healthy relationship.

Listen and respond.

Speaking up in a relationship isn’t just about expressing your own thoughts and feelings — it’s also about making sure you listen to your partner’s thoughts and feelings too.

Communication is like a dance, you both have to take turns leading and following, and you both have to be in sync.

So, make sure to listen to what your partner has to say, and respond in a respectful and understanding way. Show that you’re really hearing them and that you value their thoughts and feelings.

There’s no harm in being blunt and clear.

If you’re tired of feeling unheard or misunderstood, take the reins and be the change you want to see in your relationship. And guys, don’t be afraid to ask for clarification or show that you’re actively listening.

With these tips, you’ll both be on the same page and enjoying a healthy, open, and loving relationship in no time.

I hope this helps!



Yvetlana Vasin
Hello, Love

I delve into the raw, vulnerable, and oftentimes messy aspects of relationships. Writer for