This is How You can PLAN a More Meaningful DATE

Movie or Restaurant Dates are the Worst. Do this Instead — To SAVE Your Date!

Varun Kwatra
Hello, Love
5 min readOct 16, 2021


Movie Dates And Restaurant Dates Are Worst
Source: Unsplash

If you’re in a high school where you already like each other and just want a safe space to hold hands in silence — nothing more, nothing less — then Movie dates are great for you.


If your prime goal is to just eat while getting a feel of a business meeting because you chose to sit at opposite ends of a table in a fine dining restaurant, so you could also show off your pockets, then go ahead with a Restaurant date.

But how many of you want to achieve something beautiful through your date… a date that neither of you could ever forget… even without getting intimate with each other at all?


I’m no dating coach.

This is purely based on my observation of this world.

Dates Are To FEEL

When you’re wanting to go on a date, you want to have fun. But how do you define fun is subjective.

One thing we can however agree upon is that we do want to feel something good. We wanna be cherished, respected, and treated like never before.

It could be just one date with a person and you may have very specific goals for this date, but don’t you still want to feel a bit upgraded version of yourself by the end of this date… an upgrade that’s permanent whether that person in your life is or not?

Plan Ahead And Have A Backup


I don’t care if you’re a guy or girl and I certainly don’t care who of you invited who for this date. You should have something good planned in mind.

I mean if you asked them out, then it’s obvious, but if you were asked out, you still need to have a backup plan that you could suggest in case their plan seems to not be working for you.

Believe me when I say, if they’re a good person, they’ll love you for that instead of you looking for a way out as soon as it gets boring.

Plan Through Your Nostalgia & Enthusiasm

Every person is different and has their own unique individuality.

So, telling you to go here or do this… doesn’t make much sense. It’ll only make the whole thing bland and will take out the whole character off your date.

Tell me,

How do you feel when you go to your favorite places, to those nostalgic places, or to the places that hold some emotional value for you?

I assume there’s no better feeling than that for you.

So, why not take them there?

This will give you great substance to talk about without feeling/putting any pressure on yourself or on them.

Hey, you could go to a place as simple as an aquarium, or a zoo, or a dog show even if you don’t have one. And who knows maybe they love it too.

I, for example, would want to take my date on something that I always wanted to do… like a rock/wall climbing place (the fake ones inside a building). But not Bunjee jumping — I’m terrified of that. haha.

As long as it’s fun, safe, and gives you ample substance to talk — then you’re good to go!

NOTE: Just make sure it’s not too overwhelmingly emotional like the grave of your loved one. Because you know, it may still be your first date and such a place could be too much emotional escalation for a date unless both of you’re sure of getting serious with each other.

Don’t Do This Common Mistake

Because of how the restaurant sittings are arranged, people tend to sit facing each other at a distance where even touching each other’s hands seems like a big deal.

Also since you’re sitting opposite to each other, you’re pretty much forced to keep looking at each other’s faces 100% of the time.

Instead, sit somewhere, so you don’t feel the pressure to continuously talk or look at each other while still could comfortably touch each other without feeling awkward. (I’m not talking about any funny touching here.)

Comfort is Key

Just imagine how you’re around your friends.

That’s exactly the plan, my friend.

While you may wanna talk about something different, wanna feel different, you still wanna feel and maintain that same comfort level.

Your date will stay longer with you if you ensure their comfort and a sense of safety at all times.

To add more fun & a higher sense of comfort, don’t hold back from showing your weird side (that your friends love — not hate — about you).

Add The Element of Surprise

If you tell your whole plan the minute they said yes, then you already take out half the fun.

So, don’t ask them to meet you at the exact location of your plan.

Rather, give them a general idea of the location like — we’ll meet at X place at Y time, and then we’ll take Z minute ride/walk from there.

By The Way:

Make sure that the ride is not more than 15 minutes long or it’ll put a toll of boredom and you don’t want that to happen.

This will give you some time to get comfortable with each other before you start your date.

LoL, if you want, then consider this less than 15-minute walk/ride as your Pre-Date!

Needless to say, you can also do all of this if you were invited on the date and want to suggest your plan in case theirs is not working out for you.


I won’t bore you here, so just keep this in mind:

  1. Plan ahead using your feelings and enthusiasm from your own life experiences.
  2. Keep an element of surprise
  3. Ensure their comfort and safety (regardless of your gender)

Quick Side Note: I don’t know how long it takes for girls (but do it if you can), but Guys, masturbate before leaving your home, so you’re not simping out… and can also behave like a normal human during your date.

In the end, I’m ALL EARS about how you or your date could have planned differently to achieve a better outcome or to save the date from sinking?



Varun Kwatra
Hello, Love

Expressing my views on Dating, Relationships, and Day-to-day life | Contact: