My Husband and I Have a Stupidly Simple Agreement…

And it’s one we both take very seriously.

Lauren Hall
Hello, Love


Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash

My husband and I have an agreement.

Actually, we have several agreements, but that goes without saying after 10 years of marriage. You can’t get through that much time together without coming to some pretty firm agreements to keep the collective peace, and that, dear friends, is what healthy marital arguments are for.

This piece isn’t about those agreements, though. This article is about the first agreement — the founding agreement if you will. The agreement that sired all the other agreements we’ve made in our relationship. The agreement that is so simple, it’s stupid.

It may be simple, but we take it very seriously: we’ve agreed to never get divorced.

The Mother of All Agreements

I know. It is so simple. You probably think I’m an idiot, but please read on.

It all started with — and this might sound obvious— our wedding. The thing is though, at the time, my head wasn’t in quite the spot it is now. When I walked down that aisle, draped in puffy white layers of satin and tulle, carrying a big bouquet of white roses and heading towards the man who’d put up with the wedding planning and my psychotic obsessing about that one…

