My Husband’s Mistress Is Trying to Screw Both of Us (Out of a Lot More Than Sex Or Money)

But my husband’s pointing the loaded barrel back at me, with a duplicitous finger on the trigger.

Confessions of a Trophy Wife
Hello, Love


Trophy receives surprising news from a credible source, hinting that her husband’s mistress may be trying to screw them both at once.
Owned and created by the author, yours truly, in Canva.

When you attend a cryptic meeting at Laguna Beach’s most esteemed cliffside hotel — and a number one tourist, photography, engagement, and wedding destination — you can bet there will be cameras…everywhere. Maybe that was his ploy all along: Choose an obnoxiously renowned location to obfuscate the suspicious few who don’t belong. What else could I expect from a man who’d already screwed me over, at my husband’s direction (to the tune of $2M)?

“If I trusted your husband, I wouldn’t be here…and neither would you.”

I suppose he’s right — or that’s what my husband wants me to think…

A vaguely vulgar betrayal

Guys like my husband call it “close to the vest” — that’s their justification for covert missions, under the guise of a confidential, need-to-know business basis. When those stealth initiatives morph into hush-hush 7-figure fast-cash real estate transactions and “entertainment” funds sent to women who’ve never graced their payrolls or client lists, “close to the vest” starts to feel like outright deception. Maybe…



Confessions of a Trophy Wife
Hello, Love

I’m the trophy wife you don’t see on reality TV, and this is my unfiltered, unapologetic life. Ask Me Anything: