One Powerful Way to Make People Love You

It’s easy, uncomfortable, and bound to pay off.

Dawn Bevier
Hello, Love


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Because of our desire to be loved, admired, and accepted, we spend a lot of time trying to “wow” others.

Unfortunately, the irony of this desire is that in trying to impress, we act like the very people we find unappealing.

In particular, we do two specific things that drive people away. We wear masks and build walls.

For example, we work to project confidence and strength even though we’re riddled with fear and self-doubt. We list our accomplishments hoping to be seen as worthy, intelligent, and important.

Sadly, for all our efforts, we sound arrogant, self-centered, and unapproachable — the very qualities that make people want to keep their distance.

The key to connecting with another person

One sentence.

Open up and make them comfortable.

For example, if you want to bond with someone, you need to be willing to show your vulnerability.


People like authenticity, and the truth is there’s no one alive who doesn’t have embarrassing habits, quirks, or experiences.



Dawn Bevier
Hello, Love

I am a teacher, thinker, learner, and writer. You can reach me at