Painful Things in a Relationship People Don’t Know

Why the obvious isn’t necessarily the most draining.

Phoebe Kirke
Hello, Love


Photo by Keenan Constance on Unsplash

If I were to ask you what you find the most painful in a relationship, what would you say? Is it infidelity, uncertainty, or rather feeling useless or unloved? Unlike most people, I don’t believe the end of the relationship to be the most painful thing.

There is so much more to this question than meets the eye. For example, why do we always think of the end of a relationship as the most painful thing? To me, many other things come to mind. Why?

The thing is, love makes us vulnerable, and with vulnerability comes raw emotion.

What do you perceive as painful? Why do people assess situations differently and react to them in contrasting ways? Some can forgive, while others couldn’t possibly do so in the same situation. For example, what would you do if you found out that your partner kissed someone?

Regarding relationships, we all have our values, thoughts, and ideas of how the relationship is supposed to be. Which had me thinking that, after all, the most painful thing must be equally subjective. Here’s why.

The end isn’t the most painful.



Phoebe Kirke
Hello, Love

Feminist, activist, sister, but above all, hurt. Writing is my path to living life to the fullest.