Polonium-210: A Chemical Romance

3 pieces of relationship advice from Pierre and Marie Curie.

Hello, Love
3 min readAug 25, 2020


Ask anyone that has ever been in any sort of romantic relationship and they will inevitably mention how tough it can be at times. After all, it’s two people, and all of the good and bad things about them, quirks and all trying to find a harmonious balance with which to build a life together.

It can be difficult at times, it can be frustrating at times, and it can be hard work, but with patience, love, and understanding, it can also be wonderful. It all condenses down to chemistry on the mental, physical, and spiritual level. Pierre and Marie Curie knew this and these are the things that we can learn from their story.

“I was struck by the open expression of his face and by the slight suggestion of detachment in his whole attitude. His speech, rather slow and deliberate, his simplicity, and his smile, at once grave and youthful, inspired confidence.”- Marie Curie (on meeting Pierre for the first time)

Element 1: Be yourself.

If you take nothing else from this article, take this.

Too many people get caught up trying to be someone or something that they’re not to impress another. This isn’t just limited to romantic relationships, but to all interpersonal relationships. Be yourself. It goes back to the old adage that “It’s easier to tell the truth than to remember a lie”, for a true and deep loving relationship, you can’t be anyone but yourself as eventually your true self will be revealed without fail. Put your ego in check and just be.

“I have no dress except the one I wear every day. If you’re going to be kind enough to give me on, please let it be practical and dark so that I can put it on afterwards and go to the laboratory.” — Marie Curie (on choosing her wedding dress)

Element 2: Practicality.

Dream big, but don’t spend big.

There’s a certain power in being focused on what’s important to you. Not everyone wants or needs a lavish wedding, expensive car, or a giant house. Make smart and practical decisions in all areas of the relationship and nullify a large amount of unnecessary stress.

Enjoy those special moments but also be ready to get to work. Stay grounded. Stay practical. Everyone wears a white wedding dress, it’s okay to wear a dark one. It lets you stand out, be yourself, and avoids those pesky chemical stains!

“Pierre Curie came to see me and showed a simple and sincere sympathy with my student life. Soon he caught the habit of speaking to me of his dream of his existence consecrated entirely to scientific research, and he asked me to share that life. — Marie Curie

Element 3: Finding common ground.

Pierre and Marie took finding common ground to the extreme and by no means does anyone reading this need to have a life with their partner dedicated to scientific discovery( if you do that’s great too!), but what you do need is a life dedicated to the discovery of and with your partner.

Rarely are two people going to have the same level of interest for the same things and that’s okay, as long as both can tolerate and accept the interests of the other that they don’t enjoy and enjoy together the interests that they both do enjoy.

Don’t try to change each other’s interests, try to change your mindset about them, and be willing to compromise when the time comes to discover something together.

“If I see anything vital around me, it is precisely the spirit of adventure, which seems indestructible, and is akin to curiosity.” — Marie Curie

A Covalent Bond is formed

So while you and your partner may not want to experience the joys of radiation and radium burn together, enjoy the short time that we are afforded on this beautiful planet with things that are adventurous and joyous. Burn for each other and live together in the here and now.

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